NILU is an independent, nonprofit institution established in 1969. Through its research NILU increases the understanding of processes and effects of climate change, of the composition of the atmosphere, of air quality and of hazardous substances in the environment. The Atmosphere and Climate Department (ATMOS) has 30 employees and focuses on atmospheric composition and climate change. ATMOS is a leading research group in this field and received the top grade (5) in the 2011 evaluation of the Geosciences in Norway, which was given only to 5 out of 65 groups evaluated.
NILU (ATMOS department) will be involved in WP4: Attributing CO2 emissions from in-situ measurements, and will contribute in the area of atmospheric inversions of CO2, and additional relevant tracers, to improve constraints on the land-biosphere fluxes and fossil fuel emissions of CO2.