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Data Portal

The CHE Data Portal provides an interface to the distributed data used and made available through the project, either as input data sets or as resulting data sets.

Input Data Sets

Please note that the CHE project is not responsible for the data provided under these links.

Area Data Set Brief Description Link
CO2 Hot Spots Indianapolis Flux Experiment - INFLUX CO2 urban hotspots estimations using in situ measurements (flux towers, flasks, TCCON, etc... ) Link
CARMA Carbon emissions of more than 60,000 power plants and 20,000 power companies in every country on Earth Link
E-PRTR Key environmental data from industrial facilities in European Union Member States and in Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Serbia and Switzerland Link
CO2 Inventory ICOS Carbon Portal

Products based on in situ measurements

Including Global Carbon Budget

CarbonTracker North America and CarbonTracker Europe CO2 measurement and modeling system developed by NOAA and Wageningen University to keep track of sources (emissions to the atmosphere) and sinks (removal from the atmosphere) of carbon dioxide around the world LinkLink
Open-source Data Inventory for Anthropogenic CO2 - ODIAC Global fossil fuel CO2 inventory Link
International Energy Agency (IEA) Detailed energy balances and CO2 emission estimations at national level Link
Global Carbon Atlas/Project Online platform to explore, visualize and interpret global and regional carbon data arising from both human activities and natural processes Link
Data Portal UNFCCC Links to different databases of CO2 and other GHG emissions Link
GLOBALVIEWplus v4.0 Provided by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Contains a collection of atmospheric observations of CO2 and other related atmospheric measurements Link
NASA Space-based measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide, level 2 native OCO-2 remote sensing product, provided by NASA. Link
SIFTER v2.0 Satellite measured Solar-Induced Fluorescence (SIF) from GOME-2A and GOME-2B, provided by the Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (KNMI) Link
Biosphere Fluxes NASA JPL's CMS-Flux project Top-down CO2 attribution, FLUXNET evaluation, and ECCO-Darwin ocean biogeochemistry Link
ACT-America Aircraft campaign for GHG fluxes and transport estimates over the US Link
ECMWF Data sets GHG flux inversions Link
FluxCom An initiative to upscale biosphere-atmosphere fluxes from FLUXNET sites to continental and global scales LinkLink
BACI Upscaled diurnal cycles of land-atmosphere fluxes: a new global half-hourly data product Link
GHG Inventory EUROSTAT Provides data from the annual greenhouse gas inventory compiled by the European Environment Agency (EEA) on behalf of the EU. Estimates of greenhouse gas emissions are produced for a number of sources which are delineated in sectors primarily according to the technological source of emissions, as devised by the IPCC. Link
EDGAR Provides past and present global anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants by country on a spatial grid. Link
NOAA Global Monitoring Division Products based on in situ data Link
UNFCCC GHG data Link
CDIAC Records of the concentrations of CO2, CH4, SF6, and HFC-23 in the atmosphere; emissions of CO2 from fuel combustion; emissions of CH4; and long-term climate trends Link
WDCGG World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases (WDCGG). Data archive of WMO's Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) programme for measurements of greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, CFCs, N2O, etc.) and related gases (e.g., CO) in the atmosphere and ocean. Link


Output Data Sets

Context Models Applications Output Fields

Global scale at spatial resolutions of 10 km or coarser aiming at representing the whole globe with continuous transport models/process models of surface fluxes

CO2 fluxes, CO2 atmospheric concentrations, other tracers, optimal process parameter values
Regional CHIMERE, COSMO, FLEXPART, LOTUS-EUROS, WRF-STILT Regional to continental area at spatial resolution of 5 to 10 km aiming at representing the evolution in limited-area domain with boundary conditions CO2 fluxes, CO2 atmospheric concentrations, other tracers
City Scale CHIMERE, COSMO, WRF-STILT, EULAG Local targeted areas at spatial resolution of about 1 km or finer aiming at representing detailed emissions CO2 fluxes, CO2 atmospheric concentrations, other tracers
Synthetic Satellite Datasets WRF-STILT, LOTOS-EUROS, COSMO Synthetic satellite observations with realistic random and systematic uncertainties for European and regional (city) scale using satellite orbit simulations and input from the CO2 and aerosol simulations. Input for inverse modelling studies. Column mean dry air mole fractions XCO2 along satellite orbits at pixel resolution with random and systematic uncertainties


Data Sets Created to date

Data Set Description Link
EDGARv4.3.2_CO2_FT2015 gridmaps EDGARv4.3.2_CO2_2030 projection gridmaps Global sector-specific CO2 emission grid-maps of EDGAR for 2015 and 2030 CO2 grid-maps Link
TNO-CO2_CIRCE projections (2018-2050) Annual grid-maps for the future years 2018-2050 Link
FOCAL-OCO2 Fast Atmospheric trace gas retrieval for OCO2 Link
XCO2 OCO-2 FOCAL v082 XCO2 CO2 Fast Atmospheric trace gas retrieval for OCO2 Link
Synthetic XCO2, CO and NO2 observations for the CO2M and Sentinel-5 satellites Synthetic XCO2, CO and NO2 observations for the CO2M and Sentinel-5 satellites Link
CO2 Covid Supplementary data to: Temporary reduction in daily global CO2 emissions during the COVID-19 forced confinement (Version 1.0). Global Carbon Projects Link
Gridded fossil CO2 emissions Gridded fossil CO2 emissions and related O2 combustion consistent with national inventories 1959-2018 Link
Gridded fossil CO2 emissions Gridded fossil CO2 emissions and related O2 combustion consistent with national inventories 1959-2018 Link
Supplemental data of the Global Carbon Budget 2020 Supplemental data of the Global Carbon Budget 2020 Link
Supplemental data of the Global Carbon Budget 2019 Supplemental data of the Global Carbon Budget 2019 Link